A curated selection of paintings and prints

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  • Rosie


    Compelling, uplifting artwork by Simmi, multilayered, yet harmonious in colour and form, often a blend of natural and symbolic forms. Evolving from Simmi's unique voice and story, yet speaks widely and accessibly. I enjoy her artwork enormously.

  • Heath


    I absolutely love Simmi’s style. I have one of her prints framed in my living room and it really brightens up the space. The vibrant colours and nature of the work means that I see something new every time I look at it and visitors always comment on it...Love it!

  • Andy


    Incredibly talented and professional. Love your work Simmi Sandhu.

    High quality print, very much recommended for anyone looking to add to their collections.

Every piece has a deeper meaning to inspire, motivate and uplift you.

"I am attempting to interpret the human experience between sentient beings and mother nature..."


Simmi Sandhu Prints


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Hi, I'm Simmi! So glad you came to visit my website to look at my art. The originals are exclusively available, only on this site. Enjoy!

simmi sandhu - contemporary artist

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